Yummy! Traditional vegan food…

Traditional yummy vegan food!!! Vegan popiah and Vegan curry noodles.

Love to explore traditional vegan food.

Some of the owner has been operating the small business for more than 20 years.

It’s awesome to give our support to them. Grateful that they are persistent to veganize traditional food.

Let’s continue to share the good traditional vegan food. This can help to invite non-vegan to try out and experience.

We can change our diet instantly once we transform our mind.

2 thoughts on “Yummy! Traditional vegan food…

  1. How fortunate we are to partake of cruelty-free… compassionate… food choices. It is so uplifting to body, mind, spirit to not eat tortured animals. To recognize the sentience of living beings should be a given, but we must continue always to be the Voice for the animals… So very many thanks to you, dear, for all the great work you do!!

    1. Hello! ❤️ Yes, totally agree 👍🏻. Let’s continue to be the voice for our lovely animal friends. Transform our mind, we can change diet instantly. 🙏🏻

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